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 New Firefox Uses DNS To HTTPS, rather than standard DNS 
Project ID# 20090923-3Video ID# 20211015-001
Producer: Jerry Nettrouer IICatagory: Firefox Settings
Size: 1080p 720p 480p 360p 240pContact e-mail:

This video concludes an error with typing while on facebook, and how the browser, being just one year, and one month old, is already becoming obsolete.

Then when I updated to a new Firefox, it too had a problem, of not surfing to my website, when my old Firefox accomplished that task, just fine.

Within a short time, I discovered the new Firefox is using DNS to HTTPS, using a third part service, so I turned it off.
Before you comment, I realize I say "Cloudfare" rather than "Cloudflare" the first time I say it.

 Youtube Can Not Verify I Am Over 13 Years Old 
Project ID# 20090923-3Video ID# 20210205-001
Producer: Jerry Nettrouer IICatagory: Youtube
Size: 1080p 720p 480p 360p 240pContact e-mail:

Yesterday February 5th, 2021. When I logged into my 501(C)(3) Non-Profit's Youtube account (This account) they had a splash page message popped up and prevented me from continuing. The splash page informed me that Youtube would be deleting my account within 3 days, because they could not verify that I was over the age of 13 years old. The 501(C)(3) Non-Profit was created in 2009, so it is not 13 years old, but I as a person am over 13 years old.

They gave me options to verify my age, and one of which was to upload a government ID like a drivers license or a passport, so I sacnned and uploaded my Indiana drivers license, and I placed a black bars on most of the information, except my age, and put a water mark on the pictures of my face and drew some lines through the larger image of face on my Indiana drivers license.

When I upload the license ID image Youtube had another splash page that told me due to Covid-19 it would take 7 days to verify the image I uploaded to verify my age. So seeing a 4 day gap problem here, I imagine these geniuses at Youtube will be taking my 501(C)(3) Non-Profit's Youtube account down soon, do to apparently not being able to determine, if I am over the age of 13 or not.

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