Indiana Non-Profit Information Technology Organization, Inc. Let's Encrypt Certificate Expires in 77 days and 9 hours

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 Computer Systems 

We will work with you and your organization to determine your I.T. needs and strive to provide you with the best solution. We will help you sort through all the hype and provide the solution you need that is safe, reliable, secure, and stable.

 Internet Resources 

Many Non-profits think they can not afford services to provide them with great website design as it can be a costly venture. Rather it be just updating your site to a new and better look or building you a site from the ground up we have you covered.

We can provide artwork designs to give your site a professional, customized to your taste look. We can provide you with style sheets(CSS) to customize how things appear on your site. We can develop PHP functions with Mysql to make your web pages more dynamic for your end users.

Rather it be just a simple webpage that uses HTML to display your organizations information, or a website designed for you and your members to communicate and network together to deliver on your mission. We can help you raise awareness from your on-line presence.

 Computer Networking 

A network allows you to communicate with others and to share resources and information. Networks may be classified according to a wide variety of characteristics but we will focus on your needs. No matter if it is a wired network connected with twisted-pair ethernet cables or a wireless network for office use or to inter connect two buildings we got you covered. We can provide you with cost cutting innovative networking solutions that will help to lower your I.T. cost leaving more money to further your mission.

 Digital Multimedia 

Digital multimedia is quickly become one of the best ways to promote your organization and it's cause. The INPITO can work to developing a multimedia presentations that will help to raise awareness about your needs, and cause.

 Data Security 

Many nonprofits often feel that they cannot afford to invest in the kind of data security as large companies. Their view is generally that they will save the money and take the risk, and that they couldn't afford any of these kinds of things anyway.

The reality is that there are many steps a nonprofit can and should take to protect their organizations data, without it being a major financial or time burden to them. Something as simple as having a disciplined procedure for taking back-up, data storage and automatic data back-ups, can provide a first layer of protection against a major loss of constituent and donor information.

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